The Necessity of Childcare Services During Women’s Economic Empowerment and Livelihoods Programming in Lebanon

UN Women

Few Syrian refugee and Lebanese women participate in the labour force in Lebanon, often due to critical gender barriers: housework and childcare obligations. This is particularly true for low-income women, whoparticipate in economic activities at lower rates than men and are often unable to afford home help. Inadequate or absent childcare services contribute to women’s economic inactivity and serve as barriers that limit women’s mobility. Across Lebanon, existing childcare needs outstrip available childcare services. This research examines childcare options currently available to families, and largely female carers and parents and in low-income and economically marginalized areas participating in livelihoods and economic recovery programming. This study provides targeted strategic, programmatic and practical recommendations on how livelihoods and socioeconomic recovery programmes can offer childcare to programme participants. It draws attention to the experiences of working mothers with the goal of generating greater awareness of their needs. Finally, it contributes to efforts undertaken by the World Bank and ESCWA to strengthen national multi-stakeholder dialogue around the care economy and childcare.

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