Gender Statistical Profile | Lebanon 2023

Gender Statistical Profile | Lebanon 2023

This document was compiled in June 2023 by UN Women in collaboration with the Gender Working Group in Lebanon. It includes the most recently available data on gender across thirteen topics:

  1. Global Gender Equality Indicators
  2. Demographic Data
  3. Legal Protection
  4. Gender-based Violence
  5. Economic Participation
  6. Education
  7. Health Shelter
  8. Women’s Participation in Public and Political Life
  9. Media
  10. Food Security
  11. Social Protection
  12. Basic Assistance

The majority of the statistics are taken from the most recently conducted large-scale representative surveys with reliable statistics and are disaggregated at the individual level. However, the best available data for certain subjects or populations are currently from surveys with smaller sample sizes or are only available at the level of male or female-headed households. Findings taken from surveys with smaller samples are marked by an asterisk (*) and should be considered indicative only. When fields are left blank the respective information or value was not assessed, not found, or is unavailable.

Many findings are disaggregated by total population in Lebanon, including non-Lebanese, nationality, disability (defined as those who responded ‘cannot do at all’ or ‘has a lot of difficulty’ to one or more of the Washington Group Questions), age, identification as LGBTIQ+, and governorate. However, due to the lack of availability of data and resource constraints, it was not possible to include this disaggregation for all subjects.

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Bibliographic information

Resource type(s): Research papers
Publication year