Digital safety

Digital Safety: This video is part of a series prepared to support families affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and other stressful circumstances, including the Beirut Port Explosion (August 4, 2020). It provides caregivers tips on how to ensure digital safety for children and adolescents. With the COVID-19 pandemic, many interventions – including educational activities and schooling – have resorted to online modalities. The video highlights best practices for caregivers during an increased digital age. With the bigger reliance on online modalities – including social media platforms – children and adolescents are at increased risk for online predators; as well, as online bullying and harassment. The video provides caregivers with recommended safety precautions to ensure youngsters’ protection when utilizing the internet. This video was developed under the UN Women project “We Can Together- Time for Real Change” implemented by CARE International in partnership with ABAAD and funded by the Government of Japan (April 2020- June 2021).