IWD 2024 - The Women, Peace & Security Framework: Relevance & Application in Lebanon (with interviews)

To mark International Women’s Day 2024, UN Women and the embassies of Finland, Norway and Switzerland in Lebanon, joined forces to showcase, in a public event, the pioneering roles of women fostering peace and security across Lebanon and to discuss the relevance, challenges and progress in implementing the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in Lebanon, in particular amid the ongoing conflict, in the South of Lebanon.

The event was attended by a diverse audience of 100 people, including women activists and peacebuilders, civil society actors, state officials, diplomats and UN representatives.

This video showcases one-on-one interviews conducted on the event day with selected keynote participants and speakers.

#WPS #WomenPeaceandSecurity #UNSCR1325 #NAP #1325 #Peacebuilding #IWD #InternationalWomensDay #IWD2024