International Women’s Day 2024 Message by UN Women’s National Goodwill Amb. for Lebanon Joyce Azzam

On International Women's Day 2024, through the #InvestInWomen campaign, the United Nations in Lebanon put a spotlight on the situation of women and girls across Lebanon.

To kick off the communications campaign coordinated by UN Women, UN Women National Goodwill Ambassador for Lebanon Joyce Azzam shared this video message on 8 March 2024.

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IWD 2024 - The Women, Peace & Security Framework: Relevance & Application in Lebanon – Speeches

Date: Tuesday, 18 June 2024

To mark International Women’s Day 2024, UN Women and the embassies of Finland, Norway and Switzerland in Lebanon, joined forces to showcase, in a public event, the pioneering roles of women fostering peace and security across Lebanon and to discuss the relevance, challenges and progress in implementing the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in Lebanon, in particular amid the ongoing conflict, in the South of Lebanon.

The event was attended by a diverse audience of 100 people, including…

IWD 2024 - The Women, Peace & Security Framework: Relevance & Application in Lebanon (with interviews)

Date: Tuesday, 18 June 2024

To mark International Women’s Day 2024, UN Women and the embassies of Finland, Norway and Switzerland in Lebanon, joined forces to showcase, in a public event, the pioneering roles of women fostering peace and security across Lebanon and to discuss the relevance, challenges and progress in implementing the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in Lebanon, in particular amid the ongoing conflict, in the South of Lebanon.

The event was attended by a diverse audience of 100 people, including…

UN Women is Supporting a Journey to Reconciliation, Healing, and Peacebuilding in Lebanon

Date: Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Lebanon has witnessed since the civil war (1975-1990) a series of conflicts that fueled tensions. This violent past has gone undealt with. To address the wounds of violence in Lebanon, a program supported by UN Women and UNDP entitled "Dealing with the Past: Memory for the Future" works on fostering cross-community dialogue and peace and seeks to promote and support reconciliation, re-establishing dignity for victims of war as well as restoring peace and preventing conflicts. This is part of…

International Women’s Day 2024 – TVC – Lebanon

Date: Tuesday, 18 June 2024

On International Women's Day 2024, through the #InvestInWomen campaign, the United Nations in Lebanon put a spotlight on the situation of women and girls across Lebanon.

The communications campaign, coordinated by UN Women, kicked off on 8 March 2024 with social media assets and this video on the social media platforms of the UN agencies in Lebanon.

UN Women Podcasts - Episode 3: Amplifying the Voice of Women with Disabilities

Date: Wednesday, 3 January 2024

Noelle Tyan, president of the Lebanese Universities League for the Blind (LULB), is the guest of the third episode “Amplifying the voice of women with disabilities”, she explores with Joyce Azzam the multiple discrimination women with disabilities face, the implementation of law No. 220, which secures the basic rights for the disabled in Lebanon, and the recent ratification, at national level, of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).

UN Women Podcasts - Episode 2: Two Generations of Women in Sports

Date: Wednesday, 3 January 2024

In the second episode of UN Women Podcasts “Two generations of women in sports”, Joyce Azzam discusses with young parkour athlete Ghina Chahwan the complex barriers and deep-rooted negative attitudes that are affecting girls’ enjoyment of sports and causing their disengagement from physical activity at a young age. The episode was launched to mark the International Day of the Girl Child and tackles the importance of bias-free media representation of women in sports.

UN Women Podcasts - Episode 1: Reinvention of Self

Date: Wednesday, 3 January 2024

In the first episode “Reinvention of self”, Joyce Azzam talks with host Roula Rached from UN Women Lebanon about the struggles she encountered as the first Lebanese mountaineer to climb all seven summits of the world. She examines the challenges she has faced, to be given equal opportunities and how she contributes, in her role as UN Women National Goodwill Ambassador for Lebanon, to achieving gender equality, in and through sports.

16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence 2023

Date: Tuesday, 2 January 2024

In 2023, the United Nations system in Lebanon and its partners have come together to kick off 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence to galvanize efforts to prevent and ultimately end the scourge of violence against women and girls, which is escalating amid the current multi-layered crisis in Lebanon. This video is part of the campaign coordinated by UN Women and based on the global theme “UNiTE! Invest to prevent violence against women and girls”.

Access Kitchen – Women helping their communities & advocating for the rights of persons with disabilities

Date: Thursday, 14 September 2023

‘Access Kitchen,’ a first of its kind women-led community kitchen in Lebanon supported by UN Women in partnership with the Lebanese Union for People with Physical Disabilities (LUPD), is creating sustainable employment opportunities for women with disabilities.

Sexual Harassment in Taxis, Tripoli, Lebanon

Date: Monday, 28 August 2023

According to a 2022 study ‘Women’s Experiences of Harassment in Taxis: A Case Study of Tripoli, Lebanon,’ conducted by UN Women, feminist NGO KAFA and supported by the Government of Sweden, 367 women out of 540 respondents (68%) had experienced or witnessed some form of sexual harassment while using taxis. This video sheds light on interviews with street participants in Tripoli, including women and taxi drivers on their experiences of harassment and response to survey results.

We say no to any form of violence against women and girls. It's time to act!

Date: Thursday, 22 June 2023

In 2021, for the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, the United Nations in Lebanon and its partners are launching a campaign to urge actions to address the growing risks of gender-based violence. This video was produced to draw attention to the crises that have increased the risks of gender-based violence.…

16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence 2020

Date: Wednesday, 14 June 2023

In 2020, on the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence (GBV), the United Nations System in Lebanon and its partners joined forces to end and prevent GBV in Lebanon.

International Women’s Day 2020 – TVC

Date: Wednesday, 14 June 2023

In 2020, to recognize International Women’s Day, the United Nations System in Lebanon, coordinated by UN Women, came together around a joint campaign structured around the tagline Nahnou Laha (Her Fight is Our Fight). It builds on the global theme and tells the history of women’s rights and gender equality in Lebanon, to recognize some of the most prominent women who shaped Lebanon’s history and the legacy of their struggles for peace and gender justice.

Addressing Period Poverty in Tripoli, Lebanon – Part 2

Date: Tuesday, 9 May 2023

In 2021, the Lebanese Social Enterprise, Roof and Roots Association, UN Women and ACTED, launched with generous funding from the government of Japan, a sanitary product manufacturing unit in Jabal Mohsen, Tripoli, Lebanon. The unit seeks to address women’s increased need for safe and affordable hygiene products, in light of Lebanon’s soaring economy and the rise of period poverty.

16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence 2022

Date: Tuesday, 9 May 2023

In 2022, on the occasion of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, the UN System in Lebanon and partners joined forces to launch a Social Media Campaign. The video aims to create awareness and momentum to prevent and eliminate Violence against Women and Girls and catalyze change, it invites everyone to be an activist by taking a public stand against VAWG.

UN Lebanon’s joint "Stand Up for Women" IWD 2023 Campaign led by UN Women

Date: Tuesday, 9 May 2023

The UN Lebanon joint IWD 2023’s campaign, "Stand up for women" led by UN Women, launched on March 8, 2023 recognizes women's leadership in all fields. This video features women innovators – and their male colleagues – in sports, cooperatives, crafts, journalism, and pharmacy. It honours women's accomplishments, highlights their innovative contributions to their fields.

IWD 2023 Message by UN WOMEN's National Goodwill Ambassador for Lebanon

Date: Tuesday, 9 May 2023

The UN Lebanon joint IWD 2023’s campaign, "Stand up for women" led by UN Women, launched on March 8, 2023 recognizes women's leadership in all fields, including where biased norms and stereotypes have kept women away.

To kick off this campaign, UN Women National Goodwill Ambassador for Lebanon Joyce Azzam shares this video message to mark this day. Azzam stands up for gender equality, as an innovator in sport and alongside women innovators in Lebanon and the region.

Managing Parents’ Psychological Distress (Short version)

Date: Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Managing Parents’ Psychological Distress: The video is part of a series prepared to support families affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and other stressful circumstances, including the Beirut Port Explosion (August 4, 2020). It includes tips and recommendations on how parents/caregivers can cope with stress, tension, and anxiety arising from the challenges and difficulties of trauma. This video was developed based on the identified-needs of caregivers/parents affected by the August 4, 2020,…

Digital safety

Date: Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Digital Safety: This video is part of a series prepared to support families affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and other stressful circumstances, including the Beirut Port Explosion (August 4, 2020). It provides caregivers tips on how to ensure digital safety for children and adolescents. With the COVID-19 pandemic, many interventions – including educational activities and schooling – have resorted to online modalities. The video highlights best practices for caregivers during an increased…

Violence against Children (Long version)

Date: Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Violence against Children: The video is part of a series prepared to support families affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and other stressful circumstances, including the Beirut Port Explosion (August 4, 2020). It provides an overview on violence against children, with the definition and types of child abuse explained. The video provides information on Article 27, of Law No. 422/2002 on the 'Protection of Children in Violation of the Law or Exposed to. Danger' which covers child protection…