Call for Proposals: Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund in Lebanon

The Women Peace and Humanitarian Fund (WPHF) is launching the 3rd round of funding in Lebanon. The focus of this WPHF call for proposals will be focused on peacebuilding and the protection of women and girls in conflict and humanitarian contexts with local women and young women’s rights organizations. This call for proposals also provides an opportunity for civil society organizations, working on the implementation of commitments related to the Women, Peace and Security and Humanitarian Action (WPSHA) in Lebanon, to apply for institutional funding that will be used to strengthen and sustain their capacities. Special attention will be provided to applications supporting women and girls multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination, such as those marginalized and excluded due to poverty, ethnicity, disability, age, geography, migratory status, HIV status, among others, which is in clear alignment with the 2030 Agenda and the principle of leaving no one behind.
The proposal submitted must be aligned to the impact statement(s) of the respective WPHF funding stream that the organization chooses to apply to:
Institutional Funding Stream
WPHF Impact area 1: Enhanced role of civil society organizations in advocating for and ensuring accountability on WPS commitments. Which will work to reinforce the institutional capacity of local women’s rights civil society organizations working on implementing commitments related to the Women, Peace and Security (WPS).
Programmatic Funding Stream
More specifically, the Call for Proposals will focus on funding initiatives that work in the following areas:
- Impact Area 5: Enhanced safety, security and mental health of women and girls’ and their human rights respected.
- Impact Area 6: Improved participation and decision making of women and young women working in peacebuilding processes and contexts
- Lebanon C4P [Arabic | English]
- Proposal templates: STREAM 1 [Arabic | English] - STREAM 2 [Arabic | English]
- Indicator Tip Sheets: Impact area 1: Institutional Funding [Arabic | English] | Impact area 5: Protection [Arabic | English] | Impact area 6: Peacebuilding and recovery [Arabic | English]
- Information sessions - Questions and Answers [Arabic | English]
- Information sessions - Video recordings [Arabic | English]
Other useful resources
- The WPHF’s website
- UN Women - WPHF in Lebanon webpage
- Results Based Management Capacity Building Webinar
- The Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund’s Operations Manual
- M&E and Results Based Management Terms. The OECD/DAC Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation available in English, French and Spanish.
Application deadline: 24th April 2023 at 11:59pm (Beirut time)
The WPHF is a global pooled funding mechanism which aims to stimulate a significant increase in financing for women’s participation, leadership, and empowerment in peace and security processes and humanitarian response. The WPHF is a flexible and rapid financing mechanism. It supports quality interventions designed to enhance the capacity of local women to prevent conflict, respond to crises and emergencies, and seize key peacebuilding opportunities. The overall goal of the WPHF’s theory of change is to contribute to peaceful and gender equal societies. Achievement of this goal will require that women are empowered to participate in, contribute to, and benefit from conflict prevention, crisis response, peacebuilding, and recovery. Since its launch in 2016, WPHF has been supporting over 450 civil society organizations and is present in 26 countries or group of countries.